The Washington Post put itself squarely in the corner of Russ Potts this morning with this editorial about Tim Kaine's transportation package, which managed to be about as lackluster as Jerry Kilgore's. One thing you have to admit: both major party candidates have really handed this issue to Potts. All he has to do is distinguish himself and draw attention to the differences between himself and the other guys.
The Post credits Potts with being the only candidate willing to raise taxes to deal with Virginia's transportation problems. Potts gets Post points for saying he would keep the General Assembly in session until they "produced a long-range financing package." But while the Governor can convene a special session of the General Assembly, he doesn't have the power to keep them in session until they do what he wants. For that, Potts would need help from Sen. John Chichester and his band of merry men in the Senate of Virginia. Chichester, we think, would be only too willing to play ball with Potts on this issue.
So far, Debategate hasn't hurt Kilgore any. Will the Kilgore/Kaine fizzle on transportation give Potts that needed bounce toward the 10% mark? I doubt it, but the Post sure is trying.